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Is Fear Living Your Life For You?

What are you afraid of? Think about it. We are all afraid of something.



Being alone

Looking like a fool

Not being good enough


Each of those are things I’ve been fearful of in my life.

What is fear?

– an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous or likely to cause pain.


My definition of fear:

– an emotion that likes control which then creates a false reality. 


Fear likes control. And if you give it control then it’ll gladly make decisions for you. Decisions that weren’t intended to be made. Are you afraid of being seen? Afraid of ISIS? Afraid of death? Afraid to LIVE?

The thing is when we’re fearful we’re telling God, “I don’t trust you. I know what’s best for me so I’m gonna do what I want.” I’m not gonna lie. That was me for years and I’m sure there are tons of people stuck there. 

When we say “No” to fear then we’re saying “Yes” to trusting the Lord’s plan for our life. Here’s a question: If we are living in fear then are we truly living? 


If fear is making decisions for you then you might as well be stuck watching paint dry.


My point is we were made to live life abundant not a painful, miserable one. And the thing is God wants that abundant life for us but we are the ones who are too scared to actually live it out. Yes, bad things happen and we can’t control them. But we can control the way we respond. You can decide to flip out and become fearful or you can trust that God is at work and in control. 

Don’t let fear live the life you were intended to live.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

                                    – John 10:10


From   From

This Is Life Abundant.


What are you fearful of? What are you letting control your life? I want to encourage you to comment below with what you are fearful of and then give it up to the Lord. And then start living!